UK Electrical Safety Statistics

The existence of electrical safety standards serves numerous purposes.

Every year, injuries and fatalities still happen. From falling from ladders to electric shocks!

Let’s take a look at UK statistics for electrical safety.


Key Statistics


  • A total of 53.4% of all accidental home fires in England were caused by electric dangers.
    • Out of the electric dangers, breakdowns in equipment and machinery caused 25.9% of the electrical fires. 
    • 15.2% of electrical fires were caused by faulty fuel supplies. 
    • 46.5% of electrical fires were caused by misuse of electrical apparatus.
  • Electrical fires are responsible for 11 fatalities and 321 injuries. 
  • Defective appliances in properties cause 397 injuries and 15 fatalities.
  • Kitchens are the most dangerous rooms. In residential buildings, 58% of electrical fires start in the kitchen.


  • 6% of fatal workplace incidents involving construction employees in 2022–2021 were caused by electrical equipment.
  • In 2022, there were 30 recorded fatal injuries to construction workers, while in 2018/2017, there were 36 fatal injuries, a 20% increase (HSE, 2022)

Information source Gov.UK

Fires that resulted in casualties and residential fires where smoke alarms failed to sound

Fires resulting in casualties where battery and mains power smoke alarms are installed follow the same track over time, with a 100% increase in instances with the mains-powered smoke alarm measured over the same period.

The trend lines are increasing, again the battery-powered smoke alarm and the mains power smoke alarm following similar tracks. 

The mains-powered smoke alarm has increased by 766% from the chart’s start.

Counterfeit electrical item sales channels

29% of the inferior electrical products were bought through online marketplaces (Electrical Safety First, 2022). 

Consumers believe that e-commerce websites are made to shield them from fake items in about 93% of cases (Electrical Safety First, 2022). 

Demographic by age likely to buy counterfeit electrical goods

The younger age group is more likely to buy counterfeit electrical goods by 410% more than the over 55s

Information source Meteor Electrical

Electrical fires

From February 2022 through to January 2023, Google searches for electrical fires increased by a 177.7%

Electrical failures caused 53.4% of all accidental home fires in England. Of this total, 25.9% of the electrical fires were brought on by broken equipment and machinery. 

Faulty fuel supply was blamed for 15.2% of electrical fires. Misuse of electrical apparatus was to blame for 46.5% of the remaining electrical fires. 

Main search regions:

  • Scotland 
  • England
  • Wales

Appliance fires

Your electric cooker oven is 464% more likely to cause a fire in your home than any other electric appliance you have in the kitchen.

Information source Google Trends Meteor Electrical Gov.UK

Electrical injuries

Google searches for electrical injury have decreased by 6% overall from February 2018 to February 2023.

In many homes, electrical safety is a serious worry. Every year in UK homes, faulty electrical devices and plugs result in about 70 fatalities and 350,000 injuries. 

As a result of how frequently these accidents occur, fatalistic injuries are more likely. The typical home has numerous electrical appliances and parts.

Electric shock

Between 2018 and 2023, Google searches for electric shock increased by 30% over the five-year period.

Be under no illusion electric shocks can be severe, if not fatal and result in:

  • Cardiac arrest is brought on by the heart’s electrical stimulation. A current moving causes damage to tissue, muscles, and nerves throughout the body.
  • Thermal burns caused by contact with the power source can be severe third-degree burns.
  • Falling can happen if the electric shock makes you lose conscientious. Following electrical contact.

Information source Google Trends

Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)

The EICR is a mandatory test for landlords in the UK, and if your home is 10-15 years old, it’s worth considering the report.

Taking a snapshot from Googler searches from February 2022 to January 2023, searches for the EICR have increased by 13% over the 12 months.

Information source Google Trends

Portable appliance testing

Google searches for portable appliance testing over a 12-month period from February 2022 through to January 2023 have remained high and increased by 23% across the year.

The PAT Testing Act mandates that all homes, employers, and independent contractors ensure their moveable electrical equipment is secure and operating well.

Any appliances regarded as “movable” undergo PAT testing to ensure they are secure and safe. Any competent person can undertake PAT testing in accordance with requirements.

Information source Google Trends


The UK has good safety standards, but regardless of this, there are still accidents and fatalities caused by electrical installations. 

Part P was enforced in 2005, but the statistics show it made little difference in injuries and fatalities in the electrical industry.

Electrical fires have been a significant issue for the industry, with electrical failures causing 53.4% of all accidental home fires in England. Of this total, 25.9% of the electrical fires were brought on by broken equipment and machinery. 

Counterfeit electrical appliances and components and untrained DIY enthusiasts are partly the problems for not eradicating the electrical safety issues within the industry.

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